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Why are Google Ads so Expensive?

Date Posted: September 18, 2023
Google Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads have become an integral part of modern marketing strategies. For a lot of businesses, both big and small, these ads are a go-to for driving traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales. But let’s face it, navigating the world of Google Ads isn’t always smooth sailing. Many business owners find themselves puzzled by the significant costs involved in running a successful campaign. It leaves them questioning if the steep prices are justified and whether they should even dive into this advertising channel. But before making any hasty decisions, it’s crucial to unpack why Google Ads carry the costs that they do. Let’s get into the details to find out.

Supply and Demand Economics

Google Ads is heavily influenced by the principles of supply and demand. Think of it as an online marketplace where businesses are vying for the same ad space. The platform uses a bidding system where you place a bid on how much you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad. The more popular a keyword is, the higher the competition, and consequently, the higher the cost per click (CPC). For a deeper dive into how this works, you can visit this comprehensive guide on Google Ads bidding strategies.

But here’s where it gets interesting—sometimes the expensive keywords aren’t necessarily the most relevant or effective for your business. You could end up paying top dollar for a keyword like “insurance” because it’s popular, but it may not yield the best results if your insurance service is niche-specific, like “pet insurance for exotic animals.” In such cases, less competitive and more specific keywords could actually bring in a higher ROI. This highlights the need for a well-thought-out strategy when diving into the world of Google Ads.

Quality Score and Ad Rank

Google Ads employs a sophisticated algorithm to decide which ads get to appear where and how much each advertiser needs to pay. One of the critical factors in this equation is the Quality Score. This score evaluates how relevant and useful your ad is to the user, based primarily on your ad’s click-through rate, the relevance of each keyword to its ad group, and the quality of your landing page. Essentially, Google wants to reward advertisers who provide the most valuable and relevant information.

Your Ad Rank, on the other hand, isn’t just about how much you’re willing to pay. It’s a mix of your bid amount and your Quality Score. The higher your Quality Score, the better your chances of securing a coveted spot even if your bid is lower than a competitor’s. To get an in-depth understanding of this delicate balance, check out our post on how much does Google Ads cost per month. This blend of Quality Score and bid amount ensures that small businesses can still compete with larger companies, provided they focus on creating high-quality, relevant ads. So, not only does a higher Quality Score improve your chances of ad placement, but it can also reduce the cost you pay per click.

Geo-Targeting and Timing

Geo-targeting refers to the practice of showing your ads to users based on their geographical location. If you’re aiming to reach a broad audience, say, across multiple countries, you can expect your costs to go up significantly. Global campaigns require bigger budgets because you’re casting a wider net, thus increasing the competition. Moreover, if you’re targeting densely populated urban areas with a high concentration of potential customers, your CPC will likely be higher. Geo-targeting is an important element to consider when calculating your Google Ads budget. For more insights on budget considerations, check out How Much Budget Do I Need to Start Google Ads?.

Timing is another critical factor. You can schedule your ads to appear during certain hours of the day or days of the week, depending on when your target audience is most active. Running ads during peak business hours, generally during daytime and weekdays, will involve more competition, thus driving up the price. On the flip side, targeting off-peak hours might save you some money but could result in lower visibility and fewer conversions. Balancing the timing without compromising your campaign’s effectiveness can be tricky, but it’s crucial for optimising costs.

Ad Extensions and Formats

Google Ads provides lots of options when it comes to ad extensions and formats. This versatility is both a blessing and a curse. Options like site link extensions, callout extensions, and structured snippet extensions can make your ad more informative and engaging. They can highlight specific features, promotions, or aspects of your business that you want to emphasise. While these elements increase the likelihood of someone clicking on your ad, thereby improving your ad’s performance, they can also elevate the overall cost.

Video ads are another format to consider. They can be a game-changer when it comes to engagement and conversions, but they come with their own set of costs. Not only do you need to budget for the actual ad spend, but you also have to account for the production costs of making a high-quality video.

High Return on Investment (ROI)

So you’re thinking, “With these costs, is it even worth it?” You’ll be glad to hear that for many, the answer is a resounding yes. Google Ads provide extremely detailed metrics, everything from click-through rates to conversion data. This granular level of detail lets you fine-tune your campaigns in real-time. It’s almost like having a GPS that reroutes you the moment you make a wrong turn, ensuring you’re always on the path to the best ROI.

But to make the most out of your investment, it might be wise to seek expert advice in the form of marketing consulting. A seasoned consultant can customise your Google Ads strategy, helping you find that sweet spot where costs are manageable but returns are high. If you’re contemplating the worth of Google Ads especially when the budget is tight, our in-depth analysis on the value of Google Ads with a small budget can offer more insights.

Extra Costs to Consider

Besides the factors listed above, there are some additional expenses you may not have considered:

  • Campaign Management: Running a Google Ads campaign isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it process. It requires regular monitoring and adjustments.
  • Creative Costs: Whether it’s crafting the perfect headline or designing eye-catching visuals, the creative process is a cost in its own right.
  • Testing: Split testing different ad formats and targeting options can add up, but it’s essential for fine-tuning your campaigns.

Tips to Lower Google Ads Costs

  • Keyword Research: Use long-tail keywords to target a more specific audience, which is usually less competitive.
  • Ad Schedule: Run your ads during hours when your target audience is most active but competition is low.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Instead of running many ads, focus on crafting a few highly effective ones. A better Quality Score can reduce costs.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on performance metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Seek Expert Help: It’s always worth investing in professional guidance to avoid common pitfalls and optimise your ad spend.


The cost of Google Ads can be steep, but understanding the various factors that contribute to this expense can help you make more informed decisions. Google’s platform offers a range of features that, when utilised effectively, can offer a high return on investment. It’s a complex ecosystem, but with the right approach—and perhaps a little expert guidance—you can make it work for your business.

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